Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Review - Tony Robbins Personal Power

Everyone knows who Tony Robbins is. He really needs no introduction. He's the guy on the infomercials on TV advertising his self-help program "Personal Power" - the guy with the big teeth.

I was given an ancient version of Personal Power for Christmas and I have been going thru the 30 Day program. I have to say it is better than I expected. Really useful stuff, and it has been amazing to see myself actually following and doing the exercises and avoiding being lazy. Its something about the way Tony talks on the cd's and his encouraging way that makes you take action on the daily tasks.

Now given I have missed a few days, but I have been extremely busy. I am up to about Day 14 now which covers Goal Setting. The content while being around 14 years old was obviously ahead of its time as I have heard a few concepts being recycled by seminar speakers I have attended over the last few years. The principles while basic are very powerful and do have an amazing effect on your daily life.

He has you complete a "Success Journal" which you write each days tasks in. Usually answering a bunch of questions and interpreting their meaning and working on the next step. He is big on identifying core beliefs and studying them to see if those beliefs are causing some trouble in your life. Internal beliefs or limitations either from being to hard to achieve, or just plain incorrect, stupid, or unreasonable. Beliefs are like rules that you have unconsciously lived by.

Tony has put out a more recent CD Program called Get The Edge. Instead of a 30 Day program its 7 days. More intense and more focused. It will be good to try this program at some stage and compare the differences.

I have found Personal Power so far to be extremely effective. It will be good to see what the next 14 days bring. I am hooked on the program and have started to look forward to each daily session.Once I have completed the 30 Days I will post again with more insights into the program.

Auckland, New Zealand

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